LGBT+ / Queer

Affirmative Therapy

four people standing on top of inclusive pride flag
smiling black queer person holding pride flag

Online LGBTQ+ therapy in Los Angeles and Long Beach for queer, trans, and nonbinary adults

At the heart of my practice lies a deep belief in the beauty of queer and trans joy. I’m here to help you celebrate every part of you. Queer love and joy is so pure, and we are worthy of being seen and affirmed. We are deserving of love and tenderness. Regardless of where you are in your journey, I am committed to helping you make sense of things.

Therapy can help

one queer woman holding another woman's waist
pride festival sign reads no pride without black trans lives

It’s common for LGBT+ / Queer people to struggle with self-acceptance, depression, anxiety, rejection, family conflict, and homophobic discrimination. Nevertheless, our resilience shines through. Because we are both soft and strong. Therapy is here to help you recognize your brilliance. You don’t have to figure it out alone.